The Everlasting Dark

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Callum Akiyama

Wren Akiyama

Name: Va'calym Helvidius aka Callum AkiyamaHomeland: Woven Oath; Rak'tikaAge 112Race: Elven/DrowOccupation: "Botanist"Relationship: NoneFamily: Wren AkiyamaSexuality: Hetero with a preference for Viera, Miqo'te, or Au'ra females.

In The First, he was Va'calym Helvidius, born into noble blood in the depths of Woven Oath just North of Slitherbough, Rak'tika. A Child of the Everlasting Dark and the firstborn of identical twins, he would one day face the challenge of solidifying his place in line for leading his father's people. Only one thing stood between him and his future birthright; a brother no more than eight minutes his junior.

In Eorzea, he is known as Callum Akiyama. Local botanist and apothecary, he carries any number of rare hallucinogenics, poisons, edibles, and smokeable varieties of plant life, each one meant to distract a person's thoughts into a euphoric state.

Murder and deceit among one's own was the way to climb the ranks in The Everlasting Dark, and it was a hasty lesson for Va'calym to learn when his betrothed was tragically killed whilst in his arms by an arrow meant for his own heart.

Nightmares haunt him. Memories of his deceased lover collapsing in his arms, her blood staining his hands, her screams. It was all too much, and Callum fell victim to the comfort of inebriation and promiscuity. As a result, it's rare to find him sober, less so to see him with a woman in his company.But his rules are solid: No one stays the night, and no relationships.

Upon confronting their mother, Va'calym discovered that the arrow that took his lover's life was meant for his brother. She then offered him a poisoned dagger to fulfill the task in order to climb the leadership ranks, and rather than oblige, he took her life instead.With no time to waste, Va'calym snatched the teleportation crystal from his mother's corpse and went on to collect Wren, stealing him away to Eorzea under a false story of impending war.

While he and his brother share identical brandings, Callum's scars are unique to the trials he's faced. They are not for the faint of heart, and those wishing to question them may want to consider being prepared for the answers ahead.

Name: Va'rehn Helvidius aka Wren AkiyamaHomeland: Woven Oath; Rak'tikaAge 112Race: Elven/DrowOccupation: "Pyrotechnician"Relationship: NoneFamily: Callum AkiyamaSexuality: Heteroflexible

In Eorzea, he is known as Wren Akiyama. When he's not running Quality Assurance for his brother's various products, he enjoys crafting incendiaries, explosives, and poisoned weapons. The latter hobbies are often kept to himself, preferring to portray a lifestyle of vagrancy.

In The First, he was Va'rehn Helvidius, born into noble blood in the depths of Woven Oath just North of Slitherbough, Rak'tika. A Child of the Everlasting Dark and secondborn of identical twins. Though unlike his brother, Va'rehn would never quite fit in so effortlessly with the ruthless ways of their people. Despite their equal martial capabilities and claim to leadership, he lacked the same qualities that made his twin stand out.

With everything he once knew and relied on ripped from him overnight on the premise of impending war, Wren now finds himself nurturing his growing drug addiction. A way to escape the constant thoughts and memories of a past in which he felt he never belonged, he is more often than not lost in a world of his own creation. And when he isn't, one might find him partying or inviting women home for the night. Though, after his last relationship was permanently ended, he's picked up his brother's motto of keeping partners at arm's length.

Despite the predatory and sadistic nature of the Everlasting Dark, Va'rehn often felt an outsider among his own kind. Skilled in combat, assassination, and knowledge of poisons, he felt ever alone. Thus, he often kept to himself or found comfort confiding in his mother. She was the only person he felt like he could turn to when even his own twin was more often than not, competition.

Though he and his brother share many similarities both in physical form and interests, underneath the façade of drugs, partying, and partners, Wren's personality is a stark contrast to his twin. Those looking for a night of debauchery with the two may later find more than they bargained for.

Late one night, and with the warning of war following that would devastate their home, Va'rehn fled with his brother to Eorzea. Though suspicious of the story and the means in which Va'calym was able to transport them to this new world, some questions were better left unasked.



The writers behind Callum and Wren are both 21+ and have extensive backgrounds in roleplay in and out of game. We are of the mind that RP takes place anywhere, so if you see us out and about, feel free to jump in and join us! While we are more than happy to entertain arc progressions, there are some things you need to know about us.

Timezone: EST
We are both 21+ with over a decade of experience.
Our expectations of you:
Communication is key.
If there is a problem, we expect all parties to behave like adults and talk things out as such.

We write DARK RP.
We do not shy away from anything, so if you are squeamish about murder, violence, drug use, etc, we are not the roleplayers for you; you cannot change or 'fix' our characters; do not try.
Character pregnancies will not be acknowledged without first discussing it ooc.
We don't mind lore bendy, but please no lore breaky.

We are not our characters.
Neither of us are looking for irl relationships or dynamics; this is not flexible.
There will be zero tolerance for line blurring.
Have an idea? Don't be afraid to throw it our way! We love story and arc progression!

Find us on Discord at:

Callum: .just.breathe.
Wren: moriiesen